Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love with a Hole in the Middle

Seeking to find an answer to this riddle
Perhaps together we can discover why
Our love seems to have a hole in the middle
It’s growing bigger and bolder, as days go by

Such a peculiar thing at first, you see
Hard to notice something so small
But it’s been eating all the sweet words you used to say
Because I’ve listened, and don’t seem to hear them at all

That sneaky little hole, trying to steal my lover
It tends to grow behind one’s back, my love
Could have caught it early, if we were facing one another
Could have seen it clearly, if I were looking above

Time can be such a fair-weather friend
Against whom, commitment can struggle or stray
Time sometimes breaks, and it can sometimes mend
But not with a hole in our love, no way

Such treason is the reason, for my tone and my haste
Apologies if I’ve shocked with this matter
But with a hole in the middle, no time to waste
My feelings were left at the bottom, no ladder

Speak swiftly, my love, true words set free
Within you lies the answer to the riddle of why
You put a HOLE in the middle, no “O” and no “V”
But I found an “I”, in between your “L” and your “E”

You can keep it, with your “H” and “O”, but not “ME”
Because I’m “IN” the middle of “MINE”…now who’s clever?
Get the “F” out with your “LIES”, you two belong together
Now I’m gone, get A middle finger forever!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

At First Sight

Look deeply in the mirror, and you will see the proof, that my soul is indeed captured, inside of your eyes. 
So whenever you close them, the darkness you see, is the depth of my embrace. 
An embrace like those from my daydreams. 
Now open your eyes and know my sweetest imagination..for what you see in the mirror, is what I see in my dreams.
Now speak my name with those lips, and you will hear my prayers, as you relieve me of my fasting.
For I waited diligently on God, and he answered my prayer with your glance.
And you never knew how you blessed me with those eyes, but you knew they were a gift to sweeten a day. 
But I want more than a cup, for your eyes are proof of His grace. 
Proof of His love, and of his promise to me, as I bask in His goodness for a lifetime...looking into your eyes always.
Eyes that are for some just a moment frozen in time. 
Eyes that for me...reminds me of my true name, yet to be spoken. 
For my real name is the name you choose to call me. 
Whether its baby, sugar, sweetheart or King Melchizedek...
Know that you are Queen of all you survey when your eyes meet mine...
And your name is my feeling which means pure Joy.
The sun itself shines from behind you, or to the side, for it dares not compete with the radiance of your gentle stare. 
Your eyes don't see love...your eyes CREATE love with a single glance. 
Some call it love at first sight, but you made love when you looked at me.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Wind through a Tree

So softly, so gently, it begins
Floating across my mahogany skin
Like clouds and sky, a perfect blend
I once knew of love in a whirlwind

She was an angel, I was her snow
From whence she came, I longed to go
I curved to the shape of love and its flow
Breathing it in, its essence to know

The secret to flying, from her lips I would hear
Words like the breeze against my ear
With a soft whistle, her intentions made clear
I bent and I swayed, as she beckoned me near

Swift is the wind, but swift to flee
Love is in the whirl, but too far to see
Yet I remain still, roots planted so deep
Hoping once again, I feel it move through me

Sunday, January 23, 2011

When I Speak

Freeing one from sanity's hold
I am immersed in the sweetness of the discourse
My words finding an answer to the mystery
The secrets only the clouds know
Of how the rain and thunder comes
When I speak

I whisper my intentions
My words flow like honey
Soft and steady from my lips
Bringing an arch from the eloquence
My language dives like dolphins
When I speak

My voice pulls in the high tide
As my words float and land again
Fluttering lightly like the hummingbird
Softly, silently, extracting the nectar
Ebbing and flowing, my timing perfect
When I speak

My words travel unhindered
To hewed landing strips, in barren villages
Lips dancing across the mountaintop
The oceans below, find my story familiar
They seek to join in my soliloquy
When I speak

My love for sweet conversation, unmatched
My communication, bringing contemplation
Of space and time and worlds yet discovered
My voice shaking the fragile ground below
Bringing an earthquake of epic proportions
Molten lava from the center of the earth
When I speak

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Was Always You

I knew you before I ever felt your touch, before my eyes surrendered inside of yours
Before long walks sharing life's stories, before soft words spoken as the world slumbered
Long before the affections were written and passions spoken, long before my days became brighter
I knew you, so long ago, before the candle was lit, and before our shadows melted into one
Before our voices harmonized melodies of pleasure with the syncopation of our passionate breaths
Long before the tests and trials of our connection, long before I knew that love could feel like this
I knew your name before I met you, it was written on my soul, before you told me what it was
The name I gave you...unspoken and unwritten, seen and felt in deep places ...when you look at me that way
Come closer, yes...closer, let me tell you my name for has a sound so familiar, do you hear it?
It sounds like the strongest of wind blowing by your ear, it sounds like a steady raindrop splash
It sounds like your favorite duet towards then end of the song...sounds like the sun if eyes could hear
Yes, I have known you for such a long time, your scent so familiar...well acquainted with your sweet taste
I knew your flavor, long before my tongue savored it, your sweet smell before my nose could perceive 
I knew you, so long ago, to be my first love, before you even knew you were destined to be
For I knew you in my spirit, before either of us entered this world, you reminded my heart of who you were
Through those words of love you spoke to my heart, through those glances that pierce through my being
Through the soul that intertwined with mine, my spirit, my being, came to have remembrance of you, 
You had been there, there from the beginning, I only needed the gentle reminder that came from our first kiss
My memory now clear, I always knew you so deeply, you were in my every dream, before your form I could perceive
I knew I would always love you like you see?  Every moment with you only confirms what was always true
I loved you before there was a word to describe it, before our bodies exploded in it, before we succumbed to it
I always knew, it was always you, who would be my first love....when love became you.

© 2011 Damien Malone

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Heart of Pearls (Dedicated to the Sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha)

The fruit of her spirit, is of the sweetest nectar, from the first harvest on that hallowed ground
She is the rib from the first of men, the Eve, from which all life thereafter is found

Crafted in perfection, she is the hourglass, flowing sand from the beginning of time
Sand from Giza burned with her purpose, and forged beautiful pearls numbering nine

She is the purest measure of beauty and grace, from her...flows wisdom, class and style
Adorned with the most precious of all jewels, from her twenty pearls shine the light of Lyle

Of splendor and scholar, of pink and of green, she is lovely in form and in mind
Full of knowledge and wisdom, proud countenance, and a heart to serve all mankind

She is loved and adored, the apple of a man’s eye, they see her and know her great worth
But some others sadly, view her with envy and spite, for they wanted to be her since birth

For only those few ladies guided by the light, can wear pretty pearls like these
She must be able to swim like the salmon, so deep, and climb the highest wall of ivy leaves

She must have a heart to serve her people, and from the highest standards she must not stray
Then and only then, can she utter the call....skee-weee....I LOVE MY AKA.

© 2011 Damien Malone

My Friend

To know what we are together, my friend, is to realize the purpose of our connection
Our paths crossing like blue skies and red sunsets, we blend to a perfect color
Together we are the rich scents of lavender and lilac, growing like the iris planted in the fall
Our love for each other, like berries and plums, we share a deep taste so sweet
You know my spirit, for it is intertwined with yours, and both uplifted like royalty
We soar together over rows of grape vineyards , our wings touching as we fly
Drinking together, the wine of our lives, your dreams I pray they come true as mine
We are a rock together, my friend, we glisten and shine like an amethyst crystal
We light our deepest, darkest moments...our honor, like sunlight covering a mountainside
Let not a thing, here nor there, common or not, darken this path our souls have hewn
I need you, my friend, I see you in the distance...let us again play in fields of fuchsia
As we did before, when time was simple, and our hands tapped a rhythm so pure
I love you, my friend, I open my heart, for wherever it has gone, you have been there also
Take my hand, my friend, I wish to soar with you again, and this time, never come down