Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Friend

To know what we are together, my friend, is to realize the purpose of our connection
Our paths crossing like blue skies and red sunsets, we blend to a perfect color
Together we are the rich scents of lavender and lilac, growing like the iris planted in the fall
Our love for each other, like berries and plums, we share a deep taste so sweet
You know my spirit, for it is intertwined with yours, and both uplifted like royalty
We soar together over rows of grape vineyards , our wings touching as we fly
Drinking together, the wine of our lives, your dreams I pray they come true as mine
We are a rock together, my friend, we glisten and shine like an amethyst crystal
We light our deepest, darkest moments...our honor, like sunlight covering a mountainside
Let not a thing, here nor there, common or not, darken this path our souls have hewn
I need you, my friend, I see you in the distance...let us again play in fields of fuchsia
As we did before, when time was simple, and our hands tapped a rhythm so pure
I love you, my friend, I open my heart, for wherever it has gone, you have been there also
Take my hand, my friend, I wish to soar with you again, and this time, never come down

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