Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Fortress

I built my fortress from necessity, for protection from the pain
Been inside so long, never venturing from its silent solitude
Clinging to its sturdy walls of safety, like the twist to a leaf in the wind
I built it to perfection, brick and mortar, with the tools of my trade
Laid each stone with great care, I ever toiled for its perfection
So solid, I marveled at my creation, strength supporting the inside fragility
Covering and shielded, the fire and rain found no refuge
Building it larger, more ominous by the day, my desire for isolation unbound

Tireless, work never done, I sand each stone from the inside
I smooth each stone to a fine gloss...I stand in its familiar reflection
So wise am I, built it all by myself, I marvel at its winding diamond staircase
My fortress, my castle...the moat runs deep, deterring all who approach
No gate to cross, no door to knock, no path to gain entry
I stand watch by night, ever-assuring the sweetest aloneness,
Feeling no pain from my self-inflicted constriction, inspecting my fortress by day
My steps echo through deep red corridors of jasper, on the finest of marble floors
Hand crafted pillars of pearl, jade, and gold in my beautiful prison

The light dared not tread inside, its defeat assured swiftly
For no windows exist, only the tiniest hewn slit, from which I peer outward
I am he who is always watching, always waiting, sensing and protecting
Knowing their thoughts to intrude upon my lair, before the thoughts are birthed
Yet I am vigorous in defense, my fortress is the shield, it falters not
They grow weary from their attempts, my fortress is mighty, and I too, from its walls
Thwarting all that seek to enter, they are lost in a sapphire maze, from the outside
Their maps outdated, the signs confuse them...losing their way forward
They retreat, for they are the enemy of my ever-beloved, solitary confinement

Winning every battle for precious isolation, but the taste of victory grows bland
My plate full with the spoils of my haughty success, I grow weary of the meal
I drink from the golden chalice of my segregation, still thirsty for more
Ever tending to my castle, my moat flows with icy waters below
A sweet spirit lying frozen, trapped as they tried...it deserves to be free
 I warm it, and gently loosen the shackles, as I watch it float away
Never intended for it to be trapped in the icy deep, outside of my fortress, my cell
For I, who is judge and jury, of that which is within...imposed my own sentence
Confined to my immaculate fortress of solitude, hard labor on the pages

I marvel at my fortress and find it impenetrable
Shooting arrows of loving-kindness from my high perch, aim of perfection
A bow for each finger, they fall and are warmed with joy, as I retreat
To my lair, reloading black ink...the color of love from my pen
Their hearts are warmed by penetrating words, translucent from my tongue
Inside the fortress, mixing my concoction, I pour sweet visions on the page
I make it in my lair, a libation from inside, it moves through them that are open
They are freed, yet I remain confined, being seen and heard, yet not often understood
To know the language of my solitary, is to know that which my fortress protects

I am he, who listens with keen ear, the name of their need, before it was called
From my mighty fortress, built from countless yesterdays, overlaid with smooth onyx
They look upon it, with curious gaze, and see only their reflection
Yet they learn of themselves, and I see their light from tiny cracks in the wall
The warmth, thawing the icy moat, my fingertips chipping away the stone of my prison
The light peers in, its rays illuminating, chiseling  at my reinforced walls
Beginning to release...what has been protected by my fortress for so long
My Heart

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