Monday, January 10, 2011

My Storm

A long time ago, I saw a Storm coming my way, and sometimes I still dream of stormy days
Warm rain piqued my curiosity, soft wind made my knees sway…
Clouds smooth and round, I couldn’t look away, I slowly approach with not a word to say,
Just admiration of the beauty that was headed my way
Fear was an emotion that escaped me…danger seemed far away
It was safe, I was safe, as the blue sky turned gray
The closer I came, the more I knew I would soon dream of stormy days

As the gray sky enveloped me, I felt the wind grow stronger, and I was swept off my feet
Above the trees, I looked down to see, the ground below, I felt so free
I wondered could this be? Or maybe this would always be?
Higher still I floated, gently yet swiftly, no place I’d rather be
Never been this high before, this deep before, I longed for more, it was for me
Swept in the clouds of the Storm, my Storm, I could see my future unfold
From on top of the world I saw my home, my family, and a love like I had never known
Bright sun, blue sky…I disdained, my only wish was for stormy days

Harder still the wind blew, squinted my eyes to see my way through
Driving rain began to sting my skin, and soon the hail would begin
On top of a mountain, my Storm shook my foundation, once warm, now cold rain made me shiver
Strong wind, thunder and lightning….I was far from where I had once been delivered
I felt myself falling from my high, my body tumbled, my heart wondered why
I was holding on for dear life, I was hanging on for dear love, I wanted to stay near
Couldn’t tell if I was wet from my Storm or my own tears
I crawled…I stumbled, to follow as my Storm passed away
Never thought I’d know pain, like the kind that came from a stormy day

Body was weary…mind was in shambles, I was caught in something I couldn’t truly handle
My heart was dismantled, I wanted to ride my Storm forever and not just sample
Nothing I had done before seemed to be ample…of what was to come this was my preamble
My Storm would return again many times to my cautious delight
My flight would be resumed…spirit renewed to a new height
But each flight would end the same, back to Earth I came
Each time falling harder than before, my body, my soul, my heart could take no more
Still I adored, my Storm…I tried to run away but the distance made me sore
I longed for the wind, rain and thunder to pound me once more
Next time I would withstand it, the wind, the rain, the thunder…the pain
I would stand through it all, I would stand it all, if my Storm would return again
My Storm, my beautiful Storm…perfect in every way
The sun could not outshine my Storm’s lightning display
I longed only for stormy days

My Storm went away from me, seemingly never to return my way
Slowly I began to open myself to blue skies and sunny days
Warm rays covered my body and mended my heart, while my Storm was away
Calm wind was now my friend, as I could see a new future so clear
I promised to be Earth-bound to the end, never to let my Storm come near
My pain has long since gone away, my heart is in a healed state
Love is now my companion…I bask in the sun where I promised I would stay
But sometimes when I close my eyes, I still dream of stormy days

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